Calls for Papers & Other Opportunities

-Flannery O'Connor's Second Century: Looking Forward, Looking Back; Georgia College & State University; Milledgeville, GA; September 12-15, 2024. Details and Registration Information on Flannery O’Connor Institute’s Website. (Review of Presentation Proposals closed, but registration is open for prospective attendees).

-Reckoning with Racism and Flannery O’Connor. Scholarly Collection Edited by Anthony Szczesiul & Matt Bryant Cheney. Click here for details and full CFP. (Send Proposals to and by July 2024).

-The Flannery O’Connor Review. Click here for details and full CFP. (Proposals due Every August 1, 2024)

-Conference in Celebration of Flannery O’Connor’s 100th Birthday; Nicolaus Copernicus University; Toruń, Poland; March 25-26, 2025. Click here for First Call for Papers. Email inquiries to Professors Grzegorz Koneczniak ( and Mirosława Buchholtz ( (Proposals Due November 15, 2024)

Interested in listing your CFP here? Or hosting a Flannery O’Connor Society panel? Contact Matt Bryant Cheney ( with details, and the society will promote the opportunity.

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